Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Star Tribune Feed of the Minnesota Recount

If anyone is bored right now, you can watch a live feed of the Minnesota canvass board ballot-by-ballot.

The process is pretty straightforward and you get to see each ballot and see if their rulings have been logical. So far they are going through Franken's challenges, which have been going mostly for Coleman, but there are quite a few valid challenges. I thought it would make for boring TV, but each ballot has something interesting, so I'd recommend giving the feed a look.

It will be very interesting to see how many votes Coleman leads by after all of the Franken challenges are complete. Then, we will know how many unsuccessful challenges from Coleman will be needed to produce a Franken victory. A bunch of the ballots are going into an other pile, which will likely decide this election. Its been one heck of a ride, it does not appear to be ending anytime soon.

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